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Pest Defence Blog

How To Get Rid Of Wasps In The Garden

Two issues in summer can hamper your enjoyment of your garden: hay fever and wasps. While the former of those two isn’t something we can advise on, here at Pest Defence, we do happen to be experts when it comes to wasps. With that in mind, we’ve created this guide to help you get rid of wasps in the garden without getting stung this summer. That means you’ll be able to relax in peace with your family, whether that’s games with the kids or hosting friends for a quiet evening. Why are wasps attracted to my garden? In order to answer…

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How Long Do Wasps Live?

A colony of wasps is a well-oiled machine, with millions of years of practice to perfect their life cycle. While they can be a tricky insect to have around in your garden at home – or in an outdoor area if you own a business – they do contribute to the local ecosystem, acting as pollinators and controlling the population numbers of other insects. To give you a better insight into the life of a wasp, and to answer the question ‘how long do wasps live for?’, we’ve created this short guide for curious minds. Wasp lifespans An adult worker wasp’s…

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Asian Hornets: Identification, Threats and What to Do if You Find One

People living in Kent may already be aware of the threat that Asian hornets pose, with leaflets circulated in spring after the invasive insect was spotted in the region. In 2023, the UK saw record numbers of Asian hornets (Vespa velutina), which are believed to have spread to our shores after arriving in France in around 2004. It’s suspected they made their way into Europe via pottery sent from Asia, but each year there have been increased sightings in the UK. This is concerning for a number of reasons, which is why, this month at Pest Defence, we’re going to tackle…

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How To Get Rid Of Wasps When Eating Outside: Protect Your Pub & Restaurant

Wasps may make great pollinators and they even eat smaller pest insects, but they’re never good news for pubs and restaurants. What little good weather we get here in the UK usually signals the busiest time of year for pubs and restaurants with outdoor areas. Whether it’s a small courtyard for those sipping on a fruity cider or a luxurious decking area for diners, you can’t afford to let wasps ruin the atmosphere. Any business with a reputation for problems with pests, such as wasps, will likely see a drop in trade, so why not read our essential guide on how…

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Are Pigeons Vermin or Protected?

There are potentially millions of pigeons in London alone. A flapping, flying menace to most people, they represent an animal that many people don’t think very highly of due to their prevalence and their ability to flock in numbers. But are they vermin or a protected species? Pigeons – descended from the rock dove – have become very comfortable around humans, and for many people, they’ve grown a little too comfortable. Unpredictable behaviour and an association with disease means we think of them as vermin, so this month at Pest Defence, we’re going to explore the topic in more detail. The…

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When Are Wasps Most Active?

Despite their reputation for being aggressive and generally disruptive, wasps do play their part in our precious ecosystems. But that doesn’t exactly bring much comfort if you’re a homeowner looking to enjoy your garden or if you’re a business owner trying to drum up trade in your outdoor space. One way you can stay ahead of any pest issues, but especially a wasp problem, is to learn about when they’re most active. This will keep you alert to the dangers they pose and allow you to take preventative action or make a swift call at the first signs of any trouble….

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There Are Wasps in My Loft! What Should I Do?

Your home is your castle, which is why if you think there is a wasp nest in your loft then you may want to take swift action. It can be unsettling to think of these insects inside your home, especially if they become aggressive and you have any pets or young children. But never fear, this month at Pest Defence, we’re going to talk you through what to look out for, how to prevent them and how to get rid of them, making this your essential guide on what to do if you find a wasp nest in your loft at…

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4 Signs of a Wasp Nest To Look Out For

Summertime means fresh air and plenty of time to enjoy the outdoors. But if you’ve got wasps on your property at home, in the beer garden of your restaurant or anywhere on your business premises, it can really sour the mood. Plenty of people are skittish about wasps, and their ability to sting at will means there’s good reason to be. If there is a wasp nest on your property, then it’s a real issue, but one that can hopefully be dealt with to avoid driving people away. So how do you go about identifying signs of a wasp nest? This…

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The Different Types of Wasps Found in the UK

Buzzing around outside in your garden or the outdoor seating area of a business, wasps prove to be something of a menace every summer here in the UK. Whether they’re scaring children who are playing outside or disturbing customers who enjoy sipping their pints in the sunshine, it’s not pleasant to be around any wasp. But what types of wasps do we have in the UK? Do they all look and act the same? That’s what we’re here to answer this month at Pest Defence, bringing you all the information you need to identify different wasps and understand their behaviour. Remember,…

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Do Mice Carry Diseases?

With so many species in the rodent family, there is also a wide range of diseases that they can carry. Having made themselves comfortable in the same living environments as humans, this is a cause for concern. This month at Pest Defence, we want to bring your attention to the fact that, yes, mice do carry diseases, and to tell you about the most common ones.  If you believe you have a mouse infestation at your home or business, then don’t hesitate — call us at Pest Defence for expert rodent control services and protect yourself, your family, your staff and…

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